MINIATURE LONG HAIRED May I extend my thanks to the Secretary and committee of The Midland Dachshund Club for a most enjoyable day judging the miniature longs.I had heard all the tales of how the breed was in a dreadful state so the actual experience was a delightful surprise, yes there are problems that need addressing but I am sure that genuine breeders are doing their best to rectify them. Just because we still weigh the minis there is no need for them to be so insubstantial that it seems as though a puff of wind would blow them away. Most of the exhibits were presented in a clean well groomed way, but personally I do draw the line at having to judge extra livestock. There is no excuse at all for this, especially on a pale coloured dog. Minor Puppy Dog 4 entries [1abs] 1st McCarthy’s Nagshall Mr Tambourine Man. Correct head shape on this well-made youngster. Shoulders well laid back, leading to correct topline and length of ribbing, his hindquarters match his front angulation. Moved well. 2nd Oxely’s Dinkidax Justin Credible. Pale red puppy well balanced front and hindquarters, not the free movement of first. Puppy Dog 4 entries[1abs] 1st Barnsdale’s Chriskim’s Trial Blazer. Shaded red puppy with a well shaped head and correct shoulder placement, good length of ribbing short loin and well angulated hindquarters. Moved out really well showing a clean pair of heels. 2nd McCarthy’s Nagshall Mr Tambourine Man. First in previous class. Junior Dog 5 entries [0abs] 1st Barnsdale’s Chriskim’s Trial Blazer. First in previous class. 2nd Bell’s Tolberg Super Ted. Black and cream who holds a good outline when stacked. Typical dachshund head and reasonable front assembly would like tighter elbows and longer ribbing. Not the movement of first. Post Graduate Dog 2 entries [0 abs] 1st McCarthy’s Nagshall Just Santana. Well balanced dog with correct angulation front and back. Conical dachshund head carried on good length of neck which blended into correct topline. Moved with drive round the ring.RCC. 2nd Oxley’s Dinkidax Grisham. Smaller type than first and somewhat lacking in angulation and confidence. Limit Dog 7entries [1abs] 1st Cawley and King’s Summerview Make Way For Roo Balanced dog who won this class on his good movement. Good front and length of ribbing giving a good topline and underline. 2nd Rouse’s Doujac Simply Red. Shaded red with a pleasing head. Good front assembly and length of ribbing. Good outline when stacked but not the free movement of first. Open Dog 4entries [0abs] 1st Walters’s Ch Ralines Just Ozzie Very well made compact dog, with well balanced front and rear construction. Really moves round the ring with enthusiasm. CC. 2nd Holmes’s Ch Tammera Touch of Class Different type from first and equally well constructed, moved well, preferred front movement of first coming toward me. Minor Puppy Bitch 7entries [0abs] 1st Graham’s Jadag Fancy That Well-made black and tan with correct front and length of upper arm. Ribbing extends well back with short loin and good hindquarters which for one so young she used well on the move. 2nd Edwards’s Barok Honey Bea Pleasing baby at her first show, good head held on shapely neck. Ribs carried well back, good top and underline, moving well with confidence. Puppy Bitch 4entries [2abs] 1st Young’s Willowheath Adele Classic head carried on good length of neck leading to correct front assembly. Good drive from well constructed hindquarters, topline could be stronger on the move. 2nd Johnson’s Charpurdy Just Ification. A more compact type than first with adequate angulation, would like more animation on the move. Junior Bitch 13entries [1abs] 1st Rowell’s Tolberg Tia Drop At Emmajesk Black and cream who won this strong class with ease. Good head with dark eye,well constructed front and keel carried well back,good length of ribbing and short loin connecting to well formed hindquarters.Moved out well. 2nd Lockett-Walters’s Ralines Popping Kandi Another good bitch with similar attributes to first just preferred movement of first. Post-Graduate Bitch 13 entries [0abs] 1st Kennedy’s Denkena Miss Booty Licious Well balanced bitch with a classy head,well constructed front and length of ribbing, short loin and strong hindquarters. Moved out well. RCC 2nd Welton’s Chelane Chrissell Well constructed red with similar attributes to first, just preferred the head of first. Limit Bitch 11 entries [0abs] 1st Lockett-Walters’s Ralines Diamond Cluster Won this very strong class with ease. A true dachshund in miniature. Classy head with dark eye, carried on well shaped neck.good front angulation with keel carried well back,short lion and strong hindquarters. Really moved with style.CC BOB. BIS. Delighted to see her go Best in Show in a strong line up. 2nd Young’s Willowheath Lulu Black and tan, good outline when stacked preferred the movement of winner. Open Bitch 11 entries [0abs] 1st Edwards’s Barok New Beginning Lovely mature bitch with good head with dark eye.Well balanced with good length of ribbing,holding her topline on the move to be nit picking would like better feet. 2nd Holmes’s Tammera Just Elegant Well named bitch with good head, front and hind angulation. Held her outline on the move but not moving as well as first today.
Janet Geeson - Judge
MPD (1) 1 Hughes' Dachsarah Roust About, immature 8
month b/tan, dark eye, good front, topline needs to level. Happy boy but lots of
practice needed. PGD (1) 1 Horn's Darsoms Zotis, s/red, nice
head, good topline held on the move, well muscled. Would like longer ribbing.
Moved well. RBD. LD (3) 1 Hutton's River Rumpus Through
Dachalune, compact b/tan, good angulation, best front of 3, well ribbed, topline
held on move. 2. Fricker's Dachslur In His Prime, s/red who didn't help his
handler by being difficult on the day, good size and in good coat, moved well. 3
Horn's Africandawns Night Willow. OD (1) 1 Hutton's Rolo Rascal
Over Dachalune, s/red with long neck into good shoulders, moved well and held
topline at all times, good hind angulation. BD, BOB. MPB (2) 1
Mcnaughton's Cedavoch Kismet, 8 months red, good handful of forechest, tight
elbows, nice head, good hind angulation, moved well. BP, BB & RBOB. 2 Hughes'
Dachsarah Scarlet O'Hara, taller type, long neck, needs to body up. Practice
needed as with her brother. JB (2) 1 Chappell's Glenedee
Liquroice Chic, b/tan, nice head & expression, moved ok, needs muscling up to
strengthen topline and roadworkto tighten feet and strengthen pasterns. 2
Fricker's Trixhund Chase The Dream For Dachslur, this bitch looks to have a nice
shape but unfortunately would not allow me to go over her. Let herself down,
hence her placing. PGB (3) 1 Hughes Dachslur Velvet Ribbon,
nice shape b/tan, long ribbing and neck, good hind angulation, moved well. 2
Burke & Manston's Bonavoir Serenity, looked nice on the move but let herself
down when stacked with soft topline and pasterns. 3 Chappell's Glenedee
Liquroice Star. LB (1) 1 Plevin's Dachville Black Diamond at
Rodima, b/tan in good condition, nice neck and shoulders, front ok, good
angulation. OB (1) 1 Nightingale's Franzirose Mystical Shadow
at Rodima, red with lovely topline, good body, moved well. Would like more front
and tighter feet. RBB. WIREHAIRED DACHSHUNDS I would like to say a very big
thank you to The Midland Dachshund Club for inviting me to judge Wirehaired
Dachshunds for my first CC appointment. I enjoyed myself very much and thank the
exibitors who entered under me. MPD(1) 1 Rollinson's Bellavin
Invincible At Nosinllor. Handsome dog, strong masculine head, dark oval eye,
good ear set. Clean neck running onto well laid shoulders, ribbing and keel well
back, level topline, hammy rear. Tight padded feet. Jacket in good order and
well presented. Moved out very well in profile with good infill in front. Rear
needs to tighten going away. PD(1) 1 Coverley's Aventine
Jamaica Inn. Stylish dog, very together with good height to length ratio. Strong
head good reach of neck running onto well placed shoulders. Lengthy ribbing and
keel, balanced hind angulation. Harsh jacket. Excelled on the move with superb
drive and very true for and aft movement with good infill in front and parallel
hocks. BP, RCC & RBIS. JD (2) 1 Vine's Cishelvine Red Admiral.
Red dog, classic head, very dark oval eye and pigment. Superb reach of neck
running onto very well laid shoulders and good length of upper arm. Long oval
ribbing and keel, good topline and sweeping underline, hammy rear with good let
down which he used well on the move. He looked lovely in profile. Tight feet. 2
Bubb's Teckelgarth Leap Of Faith. Much cobbier dog than first. Good head
proportions, excellent jacket and tight feet, would prefer more length in
ribbing and keel. Not the front assembly of first. PGD(5, 1) 1
Hasting's Lesandnic Sublimity ShCM. Red dog, just so good to get your hands on.
Super head, clean strong neck running onto very well placed shoulders, good
upper arm, prominent prosternum, good length and spring of rib, keel well back,
short loin. Harsh jacket, tight padded feet. Moved out well in profile, super
parallel movement fore and aft. 2 Salixian Levante Via Itsuitzuz. Very
exhuberant dark brindle in hard condition. Strong head and muzzle, good length
of keel and ribbing well sprung, strong hammy hindquarters with good angulation,
harsh jacket with super tight feet. Good topline with sweeping
underline.Preferred the front and upper arm of first. 3 Hooper's Strutting Arch
At Starhill. LD(3) 1 Davies' Atahira Joie De Bleu. Quality dark
brindle in great condition, just lovely to go over. Very masculine head, alert
expression, dark oval eye and good ear set. Strong clean neck with good reach.
Superb shoulder layback and length of upper arm.Well sprung ribbing and super
length and depth of keel. Strong hammy hindquarters with good let down which he
used to great advantage on the move.Very tight padded digging feet. Looked a
picture on the move keeping his topline. CC & BOB. 2 Edwards &Lavin's Swincombes
Darite Of Bellavin. Dark brindle, excellent jacket, strong masculine head of
good proportions. Good length of keel and well sprung ribbing. Enough angulation
in the rear, tight padded feet. Not the front or upper arm of first and did not
have the scope in profile movement. 3 McPherson &Patterson's Fransin Brasilian
TP Panetone (Imp Ita)ShCM. OD(3, 1) 1 Lewis-Crook's Barmaud
Rufus. Handsome masculine red dog, clean neck flows well into topline, enough
ribbing and keel, good sweeping underline, angulated rear, used well on the
move, harsh jacket. Moves out really well and all at one with his handler. 2
Rollinson's Bystock Double O Seven At Nosinllor. Smaller lighter boned dog than
first. Balanced head, good layback of shoulder and good upper arm, close tidy
jacket, tight feet. Preferred firsts rear movement going away. MPB(1)
1 Littleworth's Somnifernum Flyin High. Sweet puppy, very lively and enjoying
her day. Attractive head, good reach of neck running on to well placed
shoulders, enough keel and ribbing that is well sprung, nicely angulated hammy
rear with good tailset and tight feet. She kept a good topline on the move.
PB(3) 1 Moores &Downes' Aventine My Cousin Rachel. Very
together for her age, balanced head, dark eye. Smooth flow through, clean
elegant neck onto very well laid shoulders, good upper arm, prominent prosternum,
ribbing and keel well back. Nicely let down in the rear, good tailset. She could
certainly move around the ring, keeping her topline and was very true fore and
aft. 2 Piper's Aventine Rabecca. Litter sister to first, slightly bigger
mould.Very lively young lady. Liked her width all through but she has not quite
got the shoulder layback or upper arm of her sister. Good topline and under line
and let down in the rear. 3 Edwards & Lavin's Bellavin Alfreda. JB(3,
1) 1 Cishelvine Sea Spray. Beautiful red, such lovely angles and lines
throughout, correct length and depth.Very attractive head and expression, clean
neck, superb shoulders and upper arm. Long ribbing and keel. Hammy angulated
rear, good tail set and tight feet. She pulled it off on the move striding out
with reach and drive using her very parallel hocks. RCC. 2 Cishelvine Enigma Of
The Sea. Brindle sister to first with a lot of the same attributes, classic
head, clean neck, very well laid shoulders and good upper arm. Level topline and
hammy rear with good tailset. Just preferred her sisters tighter feet and
confidence and deportment on the move. PGB(9, 5) 1 Stile's
Cishelvine Sea Spray. 2 Rowe's Derochaise Atlantica To Boloria. Very appealing
head and expression, darkest of eyes, not the layback of shoulder and upper arm
of first, but has good width throughout,well sprung ribs, nicely let down hammy
rear. Presented in good coat, tight feet, moved out well around the ring with
good infill in front. 3 Baxter's Cishelvine August Breeze With Hotwire.
LB(5, 1) 1 Edwards & Lavin's Romanchi Kikima Of Bellavin. Balanced
head, good earset, clean neck running onto well laid back shoulders, enough
upper arm, prominent forechest. Long ribbing and keel and good sweeping
underline. Balanced rear. Did not put a foot wrong, standing all four square,
tail a wagging. Level topline standing and on the move, parallel going away. 2
Vine's Cishelvine Echoes Of The Sea. Lower stationed bitch, lovely head and
expression, elegant clean neck, well laid shoulders and good upper arm. Long
ribbing and keel. Hammy angulated rear, good tail set. Preferred the away
movement of first. 3 Rowe's Boloria Naughty But Nice. OB(5, 1)
1 Coverley's Aventine Shaken Not Stirred. A no frills honest bitch that won
today on her very true and free movement. Good head, dark eye, clean neck
running onto very well laid shoulders, prominent forechest. Good upper arm,
depth and length of keel and ribbing. In full coat but groomed to perfection.
Just so free and parallel on the move. CC. 2 Pughe &Fraser's Ch Bystock Pussy
Galore. Another honest balanced bitch, not a lot to choose between the two, very
well presented, smooth clean lines throughout. Moved around the ring with verve.
I just preferred firsts parallel movement. 3 Rollinson's Nosinllor Artemis.