Rarewood Junior Dog (5 Entries) My thanks to the committee for asking me to judge their show, even in the blistering sunshine, which was also trialling this new Kennel Club idea of back to back shows with the Hound show there seemed to be a nice garden party atmosphere around the ring . My thanks to you for showing your dogs under me. I would have preferred the grass to be shorter, as this did give problems in assessing movement, I was pleased with my main winners. Minor Puppy Dog. 2. 1.abs 1.Woods Wildstar Wrembrant Baby of only seven months, pleasing construction, good head and eye ,well balanced, level top line, moved with drive coped with the ground well. Should have a good future. BP. Puppy Dog. 5. 1.abs 1. Woods Wildstar Wrembrant. 2nd.Shutts Stargazer of Donnadoon(imp)Nice head good confirmation, good shoulders level top line strong rear quarters, but did not use them, as well as 1.
3rd.Woodvine-Shone Ralines Elstar. Junior Dog. 5.2abs. 1. McCarthy Nagshall Justintime JW Well coated shaded cream good head, strong neck, level top line, good conformation, nice rounded quarters, moved well. 2. Pitfield Luna Cafrese D'oroech Argento of Follyfield(imp). Taller than 1, and shorter in body length, good head,good legth of ribbing, moved well. 3. Jury Bluebegin Pagen Moon At Torwood. Post Grad Dog 5.1abs 1. Brooks Inkums Chilli Peppers A Lyndarlea nice shaded red , well constructed , well balanced, correct lay of shoulders, good underline moved with drive. 2. Woodall Rarewood Silver Commander Larger in type to 1, Good head and eye, level top line, would have prefered tighter elbows, good rear quarters moved ok. 3.McCarthy Digby Mac . JW Limit Dog. 8.3.abs 1. Buchan & Kerslake Devonwood Crackerjack At Helenium. Good neck, Striking head, well balanced, level top line, pleasing outline, good shoulders, good angulation, moved with drive. Pleased to award him RCC 2.Kennedy Denkena's Loganberry. Well off for size, good head. strong neck. level top line, good underline, moved well. 3.Brooks Lynns Badger JW Open Dog 9. 2abs. 1. Woodall Half Century At Rarewood Nice type, good conformation ,would prefer a slightly longer length, but well balanced, well off for bone, good shoulder placement, moved wellcovered the ground with ease. pleased to award him CC.& BOB 2. McCarthy Nagshall Just Santana JW Nice size good head and eye, good length of neck, level top line, good quarters moved well. 3.Latham-Jackson Criscan Leonel of Urishay Minor Puppy Bitch. 5. 1 abs 1. Mason Sanmik simply Stunning at Dragonsteeth naf taf Good size Nice feminine head, well balanced, ribbing well back, level top line stood and showed well. moved well 2. Murphys Dinkidudlor Petmar Purfect at Classidax Nice head, good bone, nice construction, Nice angulation plenty of drive but not the movement of 1 3 Shutts Sanmik Magic Happens to Donnadoon. Puppy Bitch 10. 1abs 1.Allen Penparc Cinder Toffee .Nice type, feminine head. long neck, into well placed shoulders, equally balanced, good underline Nice quarters with good driving movement. 2. Mitchell Metadale Coco Chanel of Bronia. Nice black& cream, Good head and eye, good forechest, level topline, Prefered the shoulders on 1 3. Higgins Ralines Royal Regatta at Leviss Junior Bitch 8. 2abs. 1. Bell Toberg Legally Blonde JW Nice cream coated. pretty head, level top line, Good bone , good angulation, moved with drive. 2.Oxley Dinkidax Cyenna Satin very similar in size and type to 1, but not the drive in movement to 1 good constructtion. 3 Drady Indiko Silver Charm. Post Grad Bitch 11. 2abs. 1.Cohen Ralines Red Bouquet for Hutzpah. Pretty cream. good confirmation, good length and type. Level top line, ribbing well back moved well, really worked for her handler. RCC 2.Allen Renandar Leading Lady. Good size, very feminine head long neck, into well set shoulders, Rear quarters giving strong drive, not got thr length of one, but not out of propotion. 3.Brooks Willott Astra at Pauntley Limit 9. 4abs 1. Palin Sanmik Chocolate Fudge Nice type, good length, pretty bitch, Feminine head & eye Long neck, well placed shoulders. good keel, moved with drive. 2. Mee Barlaines Golden Delight Nice size, well off for bone, feminine head Lovely dark eye, good shoulders, level top line, strong quarters, moved soundly. 3. Rees Yumares Wnnona Open Bitch 13. 3abs 1. Palin Sanmik Saucy Sarah Well presented. good coat of good type, well balanced, delightful head & eye, ribbing well back, level top line Strong quarters Moved soundly. Pleased to award her the CC. 2. Mitchell Bronia Peach Fuzz Lovely type much the same as 1 but not quite the length ,and, movement not as sound.
Arnold Derry