Midland Dachshund 2018

Dachshund (Miniature Wire-haired)

Judge: Mrs Anne Moore


BEST OF BREED : DANCE Emem Gloria Sunshine JW 
Dog CC : JONES Ch Bimini Starstruck
Res Dog CC : THORN ANDREWS Drakesleat Evan Sent

Best Puppy Dog : THORN ANDREWS Drakesleat Evan Sent
Bitch CC : DANCE Emem Gloria Sunshine JW  
Res Bitch CC :PAIN Russteck Nicely Nicely For Ravensbeech

Best Puppy Bitch : WEEKS Beldrew Flora At Avon
Best Puppy : WEEKS Beldrew Flora At Avon
Best Veteran : PHILLIPS Ch Curtisey Boogy Woogy JW 

Veteran Dog (1 Entries) Abs: 0 
1st: PHILLIPS Ch Curtisey Boogy Woogy JW 

Minor Puppy Dog (4 Entries) Abs: 0 
1st: THORN ANDREWS  Drakesleat Evan Sent 
2nd: KENT Barratini Ready To Rumble At Lokmadi 
3rd: PHILLIPS Gulliagh Loganberry of Robinswood 
Res: HUNT Earthseas Curly Whirly

Puppy Dog (3 Entries) Abs: 0 
1st: KUGOW & HOLT Waldmeister Jonah
2nd: JONES,& JONES  Carlita Sunrise 
3rd: PHILLIPS Gulliagh Loganberry of Robinswood 

Junior Dog (3 Entries) Abs: 0 
1st: KIRKWOOD-EMERY Helydon Laird Loki 
2nd: THORN ANDREWS Drakesleat Ivor Notion 
3rd: CADMORE& GREENSLADE Ridanflight Reginald  

Post Graduate Dog (3 Entries) Abs: 0 
1st: FLOWERS,& SMITH  Vostock-zapad Viking For Bingobongo 
2nd: FULTON Bothlyn Super Trouper 
3rd: KUGOW, & HOLT Waldmeister Jonah 

Limit Dog (4 Entries) Abs: 0 
1st:  HEATHER Ravensbeech Rossini with Whiteorchard 
2nd: ROSE Ridanflight Rock On Tommy 
3rd: PAIN Ravensbeech Rigoletto  
Res: TOMSETT Dajean Starstruck 

Open Dog (1 Entry) Abs: 0 
1st: JONES Ch Bimini Starstruck

Champion Dog (1 Entries) Abs: 0 
1st: THORN ANDREWS Ch Drakeleat Hostile Takeova

Veteran Bitch 
1st: No Entries

Minor Puppy Bitch (7 Entries) Abs: 2
1st:  ROSE Dexidax Doris Day At Ridanflight 
2nd: CROSSMAN Janter Calliope
3rd: FLOWERS & SMITH  Bingobongo's Babette 
Res: TOMSETT Dajean Hollystar Vision
VHC: HUNT  Earthseas Black Magic 

Puppy Bitch (6 Entries) Abs: 3
1st: WEEKS Beldrew Flora At Avon 
2nd: KIRKWOOD  Helydon Magical Mika  
3rd: HOWELLS Fallowmill Indian Runner 

Junior Bitch (9 Entries) Abs: 2 
1st: KENNEY & CROSSMAN Janter Bee Forever
2nd: TOMSETT Dajean's Happy Sunbeam
3rd: WEST Byabye Brillare With Archidax
Res: MULLEN Starhill Flirty Girty 
VHC:HEATHER Pontecherry I Wanabee Russteck

Post Graduate Bitch (8 Entries) Abs: 0 
1st:  DAYKIN Barratini Angels Eve 
2nd: KIRKWOOD-EMERY Helydon Jinglebells 
3rd: CLEMENTS Springdac Red Siren 
Res: WEST Byabye Brillare With Archidax
VHC: MILLS  Tythe Black Pearle At Oniasid 

Limit Bitch (8 Entries) Abs: 2 
1st: PAIN Russteck Nicely Nicely For Ravensbeech
2nd: JONES Bimini Blue Moon Jw 
3rd: MEREDITH Deepdax Perrie
Res: DAYKIN Barratini Chatters 
VHC: MAXWELL Bardrestan African Queen
Open Bitch (6 Entries) Abs: 0 
1st: DANCE Emem Gloria Sunshine JW 
2nd: SMITH & MOON,  Drakesleat Prim N' Proper for Alncroft TAF 
3rd: THORN ANDREWS Drakesleat Too Gud To Be True 
Res: MEREDITH Deepdax Let's Dance
VHC: HOWELLS  Fallowmill Top Of The Class 

I last judged this variety in early 2016. I found today that most of the males shown were slightly over 11 pounds, only a couple of bitches were over 11. There was one exhibit that would have benefitted from more weight, if it had been any thinner I would have had no hesitation in excluding it from the ring. Teeth were clean and one with an incorrect bite, a couple of puppies still had their baby canines in which really needs addressing to prevent any further problems. My hands were very dirty at the end of judging. Movement on the whole wasn’t too bad. Same old problems with upright shoulders and short upper arm but I do feel length of ribbing needs addressing, so many were short, very important for long ribs to support that back! Feet and nails need improving, too many with nails too long, so although it will not help a badly shaped foot it can help a good foot be better if the nails are kept shorter. Sadly temperaments have not improved, too many showing nervousness! I was delighted with my principal winners.

VD (1) Phillips Ch Curtisey Boogy Woogy JW Excellent coated brindle, has masculine head, would prefer less round eye, good forequarter construction, enough hind angulation and he moved ok.

MPD (4)

1st Thorn-Andrews Drakesleat Evan Sent, brindle just 6 months, lovely type, fabulous head, good neck, well placed shoulder, good ribs and well angulated hindquarter, coat could be harsher, he moved out well. RDCC, BPD and he would have been BP but sadly his owner was engaged at the Houndshow so he was taken in for the BP challenge by a very good young handler, but he was a little overawed by this and didn’t want to move for her.

2nd Kent’s Barrantini Ready to Rumble at Lokmadi. Red, harsh coat, has good head and eye, enough neck with well placed shoulder, ribs ok, preferred the outline winner on go round.

PD (3)

1st Kugow & Holt Waldmeister Jonah, excellent coated brindle with super temperament, and although I do not care for the very heavy low exhibit I just felt that this boy was just a tad too far the other way, he is just a shade high on the leg and a touch narrow throughout. Good feet and bone, enough forechest and plenty of ribbing.

2nd Jones Carlita Sunrise, much preferred the type on this brindle but sadly he was very worried about the proceedings and did not give of his best.

JD (3)

1st Kirkwood-Emery Helydon Laird Loki, has lovely breed type, excellent head, lovely front construction, well ribbed up with well angulated hind quarters, moved out well. Would have considered him further if his temperament was stronger.

2nd Thorn-Andrews Drakesleat Ivor Notion, 6 month B/T on his 1st outing so was very overawed by everything, excellent proportions, has wonderful head, lovely feet and bone, prominent forechest and well laid shoulder, lovely hind end, one to watch when his confidence grows.

PGD (4)

1st Flowers & Smith Vostock-Zapad Viking for Bingobongo. B/T with harsh coat, masculine head with correct eye, prominent forechest with well laid shoulder, good hind end and well ribbed, presented a balanced outline when going round.

2nd Fulton Bothlyn Super Trouper, excellent type on this exhibit, has very good construction with good angulation at both ends, has enough ribs, feet and bone are ok, just didn’t give his best when moving.

LD (4)

1st Heather Ravensbeech Rossini with Whiteorchard. Good coat, moved out with drive which won him this class, has balance and good type.

2nd Rose Ridanflight Rock on Tommy, masculine head, well angulated at both ends, correct proportions, good ribbing, preferred first on profile movement

OD (1)

Jones Ch Bimini Starstruck, light brindle who was the standout male here today. Great breed type, masculine head with good eye, lovely neck running into well placed shoulder, prominent forechest, good bone and feet, correct length with good ribbing, excellent top and underline, well angulated hindquarters with correct movement. Sound temperament. DCC.

Ch D (1)

1st Thorn-Andrews Drakesleat Hostile Takeova, another exhibit with lovely breed type from this kennel, excellent head, good bone and feet, well ribbed, lovely proportions.

VB (0)

MPB (7, 2abs)

1st Rose Dexidax Doris Day at Ridanflight, brindle baby with lots to like, pretty head, has good angulations, good bone and feet, moved confidently.

2nd Crossman Janter Calliope, another very nice puppy, has everything in the right place, just her confidence needs to grow.

PB (6, 1 abs)

1st Weeks Beldrew Flora at Avon, won this class on her movement, feminine head, she kept a very nice outline both stacked on the move. BP

2nd Kirkwood Helydon Magical Mika, balanced brindle bitch, coat could be harsher, good neck and well laid shoulder, hind end ok, needs more confidence.

JB (9, 1abs)

1st Crossman & Kennedy Janter Bee Forever, I really liked this young bitch, she has good type, pretty head, good fore and hindquarters, long ribbing, she just needs to grow her confidence

2nd Tomsett Dajean’s Happy Sunbeam, good coat, feminine head, has nice hindquarters, would prefer more ribs.

PGB (8)

1st Daykin Barrantini Angels Eve, compact brindle with lots to like, head ok, enough forechest, well laid shoulder, good ribs, well angulated hindquarter, moved out soundly.

2nd Kirkwood-Emery Helydon Jingle Bells, another very typy bitch from this breeder, has feminine head, good topline, very nice hind quarters, moved out well.

LB,( 8, 2abs)

1st Pain Russteck Nicely Nicely for Ravensbeech, balanced, great coat, feminine head, very nicely constructed with lovely shoulder and well angulated hindquarters, lovely outline kept when moving, sound mover. RCC.

2nd Jones Bimini Blue Moon JW. Lovely type on this bitch, balanced, well angulated both ends, good ribs and sound mover, close decision between 2 very nice bitches.

OB (6, 1 abs)

1st Dance’s Emem Gloria Sunshine. Brindle bitch I have admired from a puppy, extrovert temperament, excellent proportions, great bone and tight feet, enough forechest, well laid shoulder, long ribbing, well angulated hindquarter, super sound movement, BCC and won BOB over a super dog as I felt she had a shade more reach and drive when going round.

2nd Smith’s Drakesleat Prim ‘n’ Proper for Alncroft TAF, expertly handled by her young owner, sound mover, beautiful head, balanced with correct proportions, excellent ribbing, lovey bone and feet, a very nice exhibit unlucky to meet first.

Ch B (2)

1st Daykins Ch Barrantini Hot Gossip JW, lovely temperament, good proprtions, head ok, nicely angulated at both ends, well ribbed, sound mover.

2nd Kirkwood-Emery Ch Helydon Fabulous Freya, balanced, lovely type, feminine head, good neck, well laid shoulder, tight elbows, good ribs, hind quarters ok, sound mover.

Anne Moore