I would like to thank The Midland Dachshund Club for inviting me to judge at their CH show on 14th July 2018. I would also like to thank exhibitors for their entry despite change of judge due to unfortunate circumstances. I truly wish speedy recovery to Mrs Penny Young. I thoroughly enjoyed my day, and I had some good quality dogs to go over. All the dogs were well turned out and in good condition, that saying, I did notice few exhibits were carrying a bit of excess weight and I would also like to see more muscle condition. There were also few with level bites. I was delighted to see my BOB to go BIS. Dachshund Smooth Veteran dog: (1,0) 1st Mrs S & Mr J Hunt’s CH Cwmdarhian Hogan’s Hero at Carpaccio JW; 8-year-old dog of good proportions. Good overall outline. Elegant head, correct shape of eyes. Lovely long neck flowing to good shoulders. Good length of ribbing and correct ground clearance. Level top line moved with drive and purpose. BVIB Minor Puppy dog (1,0): 1st Mr M Smith & Mr L Connor’s Conchur Silver Sword; 8mth old well covered young boy. Elegant head and gentle expression. Good length of neck. Well balanced and of correct ground clearance. Good shoulders and front angulation. Hind angulation needs time to settle as does his top line. Puppy dog (1,0): 1st Mrs R Williams & Mr C Moes’ Cwmdarhian Tom Hardy; just under 9-month-old dog of good proportions. Stunning outline. Lovely masculine head, correct shape of eyes. Reachy neck, correct should placing. Good length of ribbing. Good turn of stifle. Slightly narrow coming but moved excellent holding a good top line. BPIB Junior Dog (2,0): 1st Dr M Chauhan’s Wanderhund Viva Las Vegas: 17 mth old very well-balanced dog. Elegant carriage and outline. Good masculine head and correct eyes. Good reachy neck flowing to good shoulders. Good length of ribbing and keel. Correct hind angulation, top line is slightly soft but moved out with drive. . 2nd Mrs S & Mr J Hunt’s Lauralee Huckleberry Finn at Carpaccio; 13 mth old dog of good proportions. Good head and shape of eye. Good front assembly, length of ribbing and keel. Good hind angulation. Slightly narrow coming, did not move as well as 1st. Post Graduate Dog (2,2): 1st Mrs D Seago & Mr S Gibbard’s Amlida Aston; Handsome 3.5-year-old dog. Lovely masculine head, correct eye shape. Balanced and with correct ground clearance. Not too much prosternum, and slightly upright shoulder. Good length of ribbing and hind angulation. Moved strongly, with good drive from well-muscled behind. . 2nd 1st Mr & Mrs Hughes’ Matzell Matamua at Ivcar; 2-year-old dog. Good masculine head, nice long neck flowing to good shoulders. Narrow front and behind. I would prefer more length in ribbing. Would come to his own if slightly lighter. Limit Dog (7,2): 1st Mrs L Goffin-Thorougood’s Matzell Malizani; 2-year-old well balance dog. Good masculine head and shape of eye. Nice long neck and good width at front. Good outline stacked and on the move. Good shoulder placement and length of ribbing. Correct hind angulation and moved soundly. . 2nd Mrs Balazs- Hirt’s Colocensis Rex Mister at Gravelous; 2-year-old dog. Good masculine head, shape of eye, good length of neck. Slightly short upper arm. Good length of ribbing and angulation. Top line slightly un settled on the move. Lovely reach and extension in side action. Open Dog (6,1) 1st Mrs R Williams & Mr C Moes’ Cwmdarhian San Andreas; 3.5-year-old well balanced dog and with correct ground clearance. Good size. Good masculine head and eyes. Good reachy neck, good shoulder placement. Good length of ribbing and keel. Correct hind angulation and moved true with drive. 2nd Mrs D Seago & Mr S Gibbard’s Amlida Spirit; Love this boy 3.5-year-old boy. Elegant masculine head, lovely long neck, slightly upright shoulders. Good length of ribbing and keel. Good hind angulation. Did not move as well as 1st. CH Dog: (1,0): 1st Mr M Armstrong’s CH Lauralee Nicholas Nickleby; Stunning 4-year-old dog with beautiful outline. Well balanced and in excellent condition. Elegant masculine head and correct eye. Strong jaw. Nice long neck flowing to good shoulders. Good length of ribbing. Lovely rounded rump. Correct hind angulation giving him some humph on the move with excellent reach and drive. BOB & BIS
Veteran Bitch (1,0); 1st Mrs M Turner’s Marictur Moulin Rouge; 9-year-old bitch of good proportions. Lovely feminine head. Good length of neck flowing to good shoulders. Good length of ribbing. Correct ground clearance would prefer slight more angulation behind. Moved well holding a good top line. Minor Puppy Bitch (2,0); 1st Mr J Haggerty’s Smooth Performance; 8 mth old bitch. Good feminine head, good length of neck and width at front. Good front angulation and nice length of ribbing and keel. Would prefer better hind angulation. 2nd Mrs Balazs- Hirt’s Gravelous Rogue One; 8 mth old bitch. Nice feminine head, nice length of neck. Would prefer better shoulder placement and length of ribbing. Good hind action. Top line needs to settle. Puppy Bitch (1,0): Mrs J Nicholson’s Betsymira Witchcraft; 9mth old bitch. Good feminine head, correct shape of eye. Would prefer better shoulder and front assembly. Good length of ribbing and hind angulation. Will need time to let top line and hind action to settle. Junior Bitch (2,0):1st Mrs S & Mr J Hunt’s Capraccio Silent Siren;15 mths old bitch of good proportions. Lovely feminine head, gentle expression. Good reachy neck flowing to correct shoulders. Good shoulders and oval front. Good length of ribbing and keel. Correct hind angulation. Moved true and with drive. 2ndMr M Armstrong’s Lauralee Laugh Out Loud; beautiful 14 mth old bitch. Well balanced. Good strong but feminine head. Reachy neck flowing to good shoulders, oval front. Good length of ribbing and keel. Unfortunately, she was not in the mood today, but I am sure she will go far. Post Graduate Bitch (3,2): 1st Heels’ Rijobeau Ravishing Rita; Good feminine head and expression. Good front and nice padded feet. Good length of ribbing and keel. Toes in when moving away. Would come to her own if lost some weight as this affects top line as overall movement. Handled well. Limit Bitch (4,0): 1st McDermott & Mrs R Locket-Walter’s Ralines For Pete’s Sake; 2-year-old well balanced bitch. Correct ground clearance and good proportions. Feminine head, good length of neck flowing to correct shoulders. Good length of ribbing and keel. Good turn of stifle and held a good top line on the move. Good reach and drive on side action. Long day took toll on her unfortunately. BOS. 2nd Mrs L McNaughton’s Cedavoch Rainstorm; 1.5-year-old bitch. Good overall outline, well balanced and correct ground clearance. Lovely feminine head. Good reachy neck flowing to correct shoulders. Good length of ribbing and keel. Lovely turn of stifle and hind angulation. Moved well holding a good top line. Open Bitch (1,0): 1st Mr M Armstrong’s Lauralee Girl Crush; Lovely red bitch of good proportions and well balanced. Strong but feminine head. Good length of neck flowing to good shoulders. Good length of ribbing and keel. Good turn of stifle, toes in slightly moving out. Very nice outline and good level and strong top line. CH Bitch: (1,0): 1st Mrs R Williams & Mr C Moes’ Cwmdarhian Look Whos Talking; 2.5-year-old bitch. Nice looking bitch of good proportions. Good outline. Lovely feminine head and length of neck flowing to good shoulders. Good length of ribbing. Moved with a rolling gate and toed in slightly moving away.
Minna Hagan (Follypaws)