Midland Dachshund 2019 |
Dachshund (Miniature Wire-haired) |
Judge: Simon Parsons
Best Puppy Dog : SMITH & SMITH Alncroft Ivan Inkling
Best Puppy Bitch : FULTON Bothlyn Penny from Heaven
Veteran Bitch (2
Entries) Abs: 1
Haven’t judged this variety for some years and was pleasantly surprised at the overall quality especially in the bitch classes. Good bone and feet, shapely bodies and decent hindquarters were in the majority, coats varied as always. Most seemed to have the variety’s characteristic cheerful character. As with Dachshunds in general, just a few had textbook front construction, such a challenge to get right! Good to see a number of talented younger handlers.
VD (2, 1a) 1 BV Black’s Ch Bassodon Westwood, handsome 7 years boy still looking very much the part, super hound head, excellent reach of neck, well placed and angulated shoulders, plenty of fore chest, correct feet, well ribbed, moved true coming and going with plenty of fore reach, could have had a shade more drive behind but a lovely type.
MPD (2) 1 Crossman’s Janter Indian Night, b/t, typical head and ears, good reach of neck with a slight arch, stood four square with a super topline, well laid shoulder, OK upper arm, well ribbed back, strong hindquarters, moved well behind, a shade wide in front; 2 Tomsett’s Dajean Surely A Star, slightly more upstanding type, OK head, good eye and expression, plenty of bone, good upper arm, not quite shoulder of 1, again well ribbed, OK hindquarters. Not quite the reach in front of 1 and went a shade wide behind. Both show promise.
PD (8, 1) 1 BPD Smith’s Alncroft Ivan Inkling, very smart well presented r/br, in super condition, excellent bone and front, properly angulated hindquarters, correct topline, good ribbing and correct length of loin, super coat, moved very well behind, perhaps could have a shade more reach in front but I liked him a lot; 2 Salisbury’s Pennywave Nosey Parker at Brocklewood, longer lower type, typical head, good neck and forechest, well ribbed, correct toppling. Just preferred 1’s angulation. Moved well behind, a shade close in front; 3 North-Row’s Hit Sedona iz Divnogorga, smart boy of a taller type, super topline, plenty of bone, correct eye, powerful hindquarters. A shade upright in front, preferred ear carriage of those above.
JD (3`) 1 Black’s Lordscairnie Could Be Love Bassodon, smart all round, super head, eye and expression, shoulder slightly steep but good upper arm and forechest, well bodied and balanced, good bone, OK hindquarters, moved soundly, held himself ‘together’ going round; 2 Tomsett’s Pinocchio Klara Difino at Dajean, attractive houndy b/t, quality head, excellent bone and feet, good topline, a shade upright in front and longer in loin, moved smartly but slightly wide coming and going; 3 Hawkins’ Martinks Storm In A Teacup for Lonaza, good overall type but a shade bigger all through, impressive masculine head, good bone and body, moved a shade close coming and going.
Post grad D (4, 1) 1 Pinocchio KD at D; 2 Lee’s Driveelm Main Attraction at Daxilee, attractive r/br who I thought would win this class but unfortunately wouldn’t use his tail on the move. Head in proportion to his size, OK in front, well made and muscled hindquarters, well presented. Will have better days I hope; 3 Phillips’ Gulliagh Loganberry of Robinswood, different type, masculine head, good neck, coat, topline and hindquarters. A shade narrow and upright in front, would prefer longer ribbing. Didn’t get it together on the move today.
LD (4) Thorn-Andrews’ Drakesleat Ivor Notion, was very taken by this ultra-typy boy, super head, correct eye shape, reach neck, among the best front construction of the day, super forechest, balanced body without exaggeration and correct proportions of ribbing and loin, excellent bone and broad deep feet, ideal topline maintained on the move, powerful hindquarters, in good coat. Moved happily with great style, reach and drive and a happily wagging tail to take the CC, his second. Disappointed that he didn’t put up the same performance in the BOB challenge; 2 Tomsett’s Dajean Starstruck, attractive neatly made dog with lots of bone, masculine head, OK shoulders, good ribbing and hind angles, sound steady mover, didn’t stand quite so true in front as 1; 3 Russell’s Russteck The Bruce, another quality dog, smart and showy, attractive head, good front and feet, super topline, well muscled hindquarters, steady mover. Not quite front angulation or fore reach of 1 and 2 but I liked all three.
OD (4) 1 Feetham’s Kimbleholme Jackpot, lovely stallion dog in super coat and condition, masculine head, excellent front, bone and feet, well balanced body, just the right hind angulation, smart showman, moved with excellent reach and drive, just a shade close in front compared to CC winner. RCC today and hope his title comes soon; 2 Thorn-Andrews’ Drakesleat Evan Sent, top quality boy of lovely type and balance, very typical head, scored in his powerful muzzle, super forehand, topline and hindquarters, moved true. Not in the coat of 1 today nor quite so ‘together’ going round. Made up earlier today I believe, litter brother to DCC, a handsome pair; 3 Kay’s Kaytian Tempest over Hiati, smaller r/br in good coat, good balance and topline, moved true. Preferred bone, shoulder and drive of winners.
Ch D (3) 1 Kirkwood-Emery’s Ch Helydon Laird Loki, scopy dog of super type, substance and balance, super head, expression and neck, plenty of angulation both ends, moved well behind but a shade close in front, impressive side gait retaining his topline. Splitting hairs between him and RCC winner; 2 Rose’s Ch Ridanflight Ricardo, such a smart dog of a slightly more compact balance, quality head, neat front, well boned, well made hindquarters, like 1 in super coat and condition, moved well behind, a shade close in front, free active side gait. Sire of BOB; 3 Jones’ Ch Bimini Starstruck, another smart little dog of good overall type and a quality look. Attractive head, good neck, super bone, moved well behind and the truest in front in this class but not the reach and drive of 1 and 2.
VB (2, 1) 1 Kirkwood’s Ubu Isla at Helydon, pretty 10 years bitch of a quality type, plenty of bone and ribbing, feminine head, true front, moved freely, in good condition, not quite so firm in topline now.
MPB (4) 1 Howells’ Blackvein Vixen at Fallowmill, so pretty, neat and feminine, good eyer and expression, enough bone, super little body, well made hindquarters, good forechest, reasonable front angles, settled to move the steadiest among these charming babies; 2 Kirkwood-Emery’s Helydon Nifty Nairn, a slightly scopier type with an excellent head, good neck and shoulders, lengthy ribbing, not quite the tail carriage or so collected on the move today but so much can change as they grow up; 3 Tomsett’s Dajean Surely Star Quality, another with plenty of promise and a good frame to grow into, super shape and outline, good topline and correct angles. Very babyish and ‘wriggly’ on the move today but liked her a lot.
PB (7) 1 Fulton’s Bothlyn Penny From Heaven, gorgeous type, superb shape and outline, lengthy ribbing without exaggeration, super head and neck flowing into smooth shoulders and on to matching hind angles, excellent mover all round retaining her topline. Just needs to settle a little more on the table but I loved her. BP; 2 Bye’s Molloney Game Of Hearts, like this one equally, very similar elegant type and balance though not closely related, feminine but houndy head, true front with excellent shoulder angulation and placement, well bodied, looked the part going round. One of the hardest decisions of the day, winner scored marginally going away; 3 Smith’s Alncroft Phoebe Gonzales, different type, sister to BPD, smaller and more compact but most attractive, well boned for her size, stands true in front, neat body with enough ribbing, moved soundly, just preferred shoulder, reach and drive of winners.
JB (7, 2) Super class. 1 Dance’s Ch Emem Constance Sunshine, lovely quality bitch, unquestionably feminine, well presented, pretty head, correct eye shape, good neck, clean shoulder, stood true in front, excellent body with shapely hindquarters, good topline retained on the move, went well with steady ground-covering side gait. Sister to CC winner and close up in the challenge where the winners were just of a shade scopier type; 2 Blackburn’s Stargang Minnesota, excellent type and style, super feminine head, reachy neck with a slight arch, excellent topline and hindquarters, moved true. Although within the weight I felt she was carrying a shade much for her size and wasn’t quite so steady in side gait as winner; 3 Storton’s Dereheath Helen Reddy, such an attractive red, quality head, super overall balance, well muscled shapely hindquarters, in excellent coat, well angulated shoulders but could be placed a little further back, excellent side date and hind movement, slightly close in front.
PGB (13, 2) 1 West’s Byabye Brillare with Archidax, neatly made r/br who held herself together well, excellent coat, good head if slightly bold in eye super angles, compact body with correct topline, sound and with a free reach side gait; 2 Fulton’s Jolanda Uptown Girl at Bothlyn, eyecatching well grown puppy of a super shape and outline, scored on neck and forechest, good topline, strong hindquarters, looked the part going round but needs to settle coming and going; 3 Clare’s Drakesleat Helen Back to Mabellene, pretty feminine bitch of good overall balance, sister to DCC, well made all through, decent shoulders, good upper arm and forechest, super body, good hind angles and a smart mover. Lost out here on coat texture.
LB (11) 1 Dance’s Emem Summer Sunshine, really lovely bitch, very much a Standard in Miniature with wonderful bone and substance, a superb outline, excellent head with hound expression, plenty of neck into smooth shoulders, in excellent coat, the right angles, moved true and with great freedom. CC, her second today I’m told, and BOB; 2 Black’s Bassodon Dodecahedron, very appealing shape, quality head, well boned, correct feet, well ribbed, good angles, not quite coat of 1 nor the enthusiasm on the move; 3 Tomsett;’s Dajean’s Happy Sunbeam, smart feminine bitch with a pretty head, OK body shape and well made hindquarters, not quite the reach in front of 1 and 2.
OB (6, 2) 1 Feetham’s Kimbleholme Queen Of Hearts, lovely elegant bitch with plenty of scope, quality head, plenty of forechest, excellent hindquarters, free happy mover, could stand just a shade truer in front but I liked her a lot and she too was close up in the challenge. Sister to RDCC; 2 Thorn-Andrews’ Drakesleat Drop Dead Gorjus, feminine bitch of a more compact type, good shoulders, topline and hind angulation, moved true but winner scored in side gait today; 3 Morris’ Pennywave Uptown Girl, pretty feminine bitch, OK head, good body and hindquarters, free mover. Winners scored in neck and front angulation.
Ch B (5) 1 Merry and Ergis’ Ch Drakesleat Trial N’Error for Siouxline, superb bitch of beautiful type, outline and quality, just the right angulation and moved accordingly, correct bone and substance and makes a lovely balanced overall picture. Just lost out to the CC winner on coat today but I loved her; RCC 2 Thorn Andrews’ Ch Drakesleat Too Gud To Be True, similar type and balance, feminine all through and beautifully made, excellent topline and strong hindquarters. Close up to 1, in better coat today but not quite the reach in front, Sister to winner and to 2 in OB, another remarkably consistent litter; 3 Jones’ Ch Bimini Blue Moon, handsome bitch with a very smart eye-catching outline, in super coat, plenty of scope and powerful well angulated hindquarters, just preferred shoulder placement of 1 and 2 but yet another super bitch in a lovely class.