Judge : Nora Price
Best in Show
BIS - Roy Wood's Ch Wildstar Wrobinson - Min Long Haired
RBIS - Manish Chaunan's Ch Adnerb Take a Chance on Me at Raajput - Smooth Haired
Best Puppy in Show
BPIS - Jackie & Paul Phillip's Summerview Hello Hugo - Miniature Long Haired
RBPIS - Manish Chaunan's Neithhund Angus at Raajput - Smooth Haired
Best Veteran in Show
BVIS - Anne Moore & Laura Downe's Ch Megline Aramis - Wire Haired
My thanks to the Committee of the Midland Dachshund Club for their invitation to judge BIS,BPIS and BV -an honour.
A pleasing line up for
BIS -Woods Ch.Wildstar Wrobinson. Impressive boy. Balanced head, beautiful eye, clean neck into well laid shoulders. Good pro sternum, long ribbing with short loin. Well angulated rear showing strong movement going, coming and in profile
RBIS- Chauhans Ch. Adnerbs Take A Chance On Me at Raajput. One I have judged before. Feminine head, good front and elegant neck; strong shoulders, ribbing to loin correct, moved well.
Apolgies was given by the miniature wire exhibitor who was unable to attend.
BPIS- Phillips Summerview Hello Hugo; son of BIS. Balanced head and almond eye. Good forechest and well placed shoulders. Ribbing to loin correct, good turn of stifle used to advantage on the move......A delight to go over.
RBPIS- Chauhan`s Neithund Angus at Raajput- smart, confident youngster. Good head and expression -well balanced everything and muscled.
BVIS -a lovely line-up of veterans who all enjoyed their day and looked as if they were. Took some sorting and the owners should be congratulated on keeping their hounds in tip top condition.
The baby of the class finally took best veteran-
Moore and Downes Ch. Megline Aramis. Strong head and neck into balanced front and shoulders. Firm muscled body and balanced rear. Moved with such drive.